Koniec koniec
Tento projekt vznikol v spolupráci s Petrou Fornayovou , Vladom Zboroňom , Jakubom Pišekom a Slavomírom Šmálikom.
Zo stránky projektu:
“The end, gradual, in fact nonviolent, may initially be unpleasant. But then the relief will come. I suspect. I know. I feel. I just do not know what more. Whether I think or know more".
Peter Macsovszky_Tantalópolis
“The performance speaks about the end in several lines: the end of the artistic career, the end of physical life, the end of social life - as a form of mismatch between man and society. We are offered the parallel worlds of possible functioning, the necessity to decide them is confronted with the randomness of events. It is a duet but also two solos. The male / female task division of text and movement is a sketch of a possible archetypal role definition. The text remains specific, giving accurate images, while dancing is the abstract element needed to open sometimes over-exact meanings of the text. Video projection determines the visual framework of the whole performance, looking for chapter placements on the map of the show. It creates space for the existence of two characters in the map of possible lives.”