This work is collaboration with Cluster ensemble , Ondrej Jób and Eva Vozárová.

In a small village in the Slovak mountains Banská Belá there is a pub with an ordinary jukebox with ordinary pop culture content. But this one is different. You can find between its items also music by the slovak conceptual artist Milan Adamčiak (1946 - 2017) who lived his last years in the village. Music was recorded by Cluster ensemble. Dedicated to the memory of Milan Adamčiak (1946 - 2017).

It is the only place where these recordings can be heard, the EP wasn’t released on any other medium, including the internet. The opening of this installation was part of JAMA festival in 2019.

photo: Ján Viazanička
photo: Ján Viazanička
photo: Fero Király
photo: Fero Király
photo: Fero Király